Director of Operations
Phone: 1 (888) 475-4226 Ext: 289

Shannon Beattie

Director of Operations

Role at Skican:
As Director of Operations, I am responsible for overseeing the infrastructure and operations functions at Skican, with the aim to ensure that both our sales team and customers undergo a seamless booking experience.

Favourite Ski Or Mountain Destination:
I live in Pemberton, BC, so I’d have to say my home mountain of Whistler Blackcomb and favorite runs would be any laps on Whistler’s Peak Chair.

Where To Next And/Or What's On Your Bucket List?
I am hoping to visit either Kicking Horse or Red Mountain this upcoming winter season and my bucket list ski destination is Niseko, Japan…hope to get there one day!

How Do You Like To Chill Out/ How Do You Spend Your Spare Time Outside Of Skican?
While I love the outdoor pursuits of skiing and biking, you will most often find me with a book in hand during any spare few minutes that I can grab during the day.