Operations Manager - Group Sales
Phone: 1 (888) 475-4226 Ext: 286

Tara Vella

Operations Manager - Group Sales

Role at Skican:
My goal is for your group to experience a top notch, well organized trip. I work closely with Adam to organize groups of 25+ to ensure they have trips that don’t disappoint.

Favourite Ski Or Mountain Destination:
I’m new to skiing in the past few years, so I still have tonnes of destinations still on my bucket list.

Where To Next And/Or What's On Your Bucket List?
I’m excited to visit Quebec this winter. I’m planning trips to both Le Massif and Mont Ste Anne with my young family.

How Do You Like To Chill Out/ How Do You Spend Your Spare Time Outside Of Skican?

In the off-season I’m an avid road cyclist, mostly riding in South-Western Ontario’s escarpment area; I enjoy hills in both winter and summer!